Ripple XRP
Find out detailed information about the Ripple (XRP) and easily buy or sell at the real-time exchange rate.
Ripple(XRP) price - exchange rate 2/13/2025 12:15 AM is 2.3737 EUR. In dollars the price is 2.450608 USD.
How to buy Ripple (XRP)?
Follow 4 easy steps to purchase XRP.
Create an account on Bitcoin Store
Make a deposit in Euros
Buy Ripple
Ripple is on your wallet
Frequently asked questions
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What is the Ripple (XRP) price - exchange rate today?
What is Ripple (XRP) and how does it work?
Ripple was created to become a faster and cheaper alternative to existing payment platforms such as SWIFT and other forms of digital payments.
Ripple operates on an “open-source” decentralized network, and this network makes money transfers easier, whether you are transferring dollars, euros, pounds, or cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc.
It is necessary to understand the difference between the terms XRP, Ripple, and RippleNet.
XRP is a digital currency that operates on a digital payment platform within the RippleNet network.
RippleNet is a network consisting of payment service providers (such as banks and similar financial institutions) that use solutions developed by Ripple.
All transactions are stored in the XRP Ledger, or "open-source" public book that allows everyone to view all transactions in real time.
These transactions are secured and verified by network participants through a consensus mechanism.
How many Ripple (XRP) coins are in circulation?
The total amount of XRP tokens that can be in circulation is 100 billion.
Interestingly, all 100 billion XRP tokens already exist but not all tokens have been released into circulation.
About 50 billion XRP tokens are stored in a cryptographically secured "escrow" account, which makes it easier to track XRP reserves.
This is the way of proving mathematically how many XRP coins are released into circulation.
What are the benefits of Ripple (XRP) ?
On the other hand, banking transactions can take minutes or even hours.
Low fees - the cost of a successful transaction in the Ripple network is only 0.0001 XRP.
Ripple is a versatile exchange network. In addition to processing transactions via XRP, it can also be used for other fiat and cryptocurrencies.
Many financial institutions already use Ripple as a transaction platform.
The more financial institutions start implementing the Ripple network, the value of the XRP token will increase.
How to mine Ripple (XRP)?
All 100 billion XRP coins have already been minted, which is why XRP can’t be mined.
About 50 billion XRP coins have not been released into circulation.
The new XRP tokens are gradually being released into circulation.
The reason for this is to prevent XRP coins from flooding the market and consequently crashing their price.
Instead of mining, you can get XRP coins by exchanging them for another fiat or cryptocurrency.
You can also find XRP in the Bitcoin Store offer.
Who is the founder of Ripple?
The real beginning of Ripple can be considered when Chris Larsen and Jed McCaleb took over the project in 2013.
How to buy Ripple (XRP)?
First, you need to create and verify your account on the Bitcoin Store cryptocurrency trading platform to get full access.
After successful verification, you can deposit (EUR) to your Bitcoin Store Wallet.
Supported payment methods for deposit are:
- internet or mobile banking
- card deposits (VISA, Mastercard)
- bank transfer
- payment slip
- cash payment in the Bitcoin Store physical exchange office
Once we receive your payment, funds to purchase cryptocurrencies will be available on your Bitcoin Store Wallet, and you can start purchasing cryptocurrencies.
How to sell Ripple (XRP)?
You can instantly sell cryptocurrencies that are stored on your Bitcoin Store Wallet.
Cryptocurrency stored on personal wallets such as Exodus, Trust Wallet, Ledger, Treasury, etc., or various trading platforms and must be transferred to your Bitcoin Store Wallet before selling.
Once the transfer is successful, you can sell your cryptocurrency.
You can withdraw the funds directly to your bank account or keep them on your Bitcoin Store Wallet and use them for future cryptocurrency purchases.
Can I buy or sell Ripple (XRP) for cash?
Verifying your identity via ID card is not required for all transactions up to 1000,00 EUR.
You can deposit cash directly to your Bitcoin Store account in the exchange office.
The deposit amount will be visible immediately and ready for your next cryptocurrency purchase.
Where can I store Ripple (XRP)?
When it comes to cryptocurrencies, digital wallets can be divided into 2 groups - Hot Wallets and Cold Wallets.
Hot wallets include:
- desktop wallet
- mobile wallet
- online wallet
Cold Wallets include:
- hardware wallet
- paper wallet
You can also store XRP on your own Bitcoin Store Wallet.
The access and storage of cryptocurrency are free for all users who register on the Bitcoin Store Platform.
On Bitcoin Store Wallet you can:
- store more than 170 cryptocurrencies
- deposit, withdraw, and store funds in EUR
Bitcoin Store Wallet
Registered users have free access to the Bitcoin Store Wallet (digital wallet) on which you can safely store more than 170 cryptocurrencies. Simply make a deposit and withdraw funds or transfer crypto to other digital wallets.
Ripple price, investment and fees
Real-time Ripple price 2/13/2025 12:15 AM is €2.3737.
How often does the Ripple (XRP) price change?
What is the fee for buying or selling Ripple XRP?
What payment methods do you support?
How to trade cryptocurrencies?
Find out all the ways you can buy or sell cryptocurrencies in Croatia.
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